Woman an boyfriend malist one old children
Woman an boyfriend malist one old children

woman an boyfriend malist one old children

Three women molested younger children (between the ages of three and five years old) for any number of reasons ("molester"). Case 9 At the direction of her husband, this 30-year-old woman participated in 'games' with her eight-year-old son and five-year-old daughter.

woman an boyfriend malist one old children

Eight women seduced their victims, who were usually older children or adolescents ("seducer"). She was described by her boyfriend as a 'sociopath.' She failed to report for evaluation and so was not tested. The 5 typologies of offending behavior identified for the 18 women are described as "lover," "seducer," "molester," "helper," and "coerced." Three of the women fell in love with their victims, believing they were having a consensual love affair ("lover"). Thirteen of the women reported being victims of childhood sexual abuse. Ten reported a history of drug or alcohol abuse by themselves or a parent during their childhoods. Eleven women came from broken homes, and 10 women reported a history of physical abuse, neglect, and/or domestic violence in their childhood families. None of the women had previous arrests for violent crimes or sexual offenses. Sixty-one percent of the women had no criminal history prior to the current conviction. Eleven women victimized only boys, and 3 victimized only girls 4 women victimized both boys and girls. The molested children ranged in age from infancy to age 16.

woman an boyfriend malist one old children

The average age of the women at the time they committed their offenses was 28.5 years. Collectively, the women had molested at least 36 children, with no victim being a complete stranger. All 18 women molested children they knew 12 molested child acquaintances, most often neighbors or friends of the family 7 women molested child relatives by blood or marriage.

Woman an boyfriend malist one old children