Tera rising game controversy
Tera rising game controversy

Tera rising game controversy professional#

note While some believed "Blitzchung" should be punished for making a political speech during a non-political interview (which is against Blizzard's guidelines), even they thought his punishment was disproportionately harsh and more about appeasing China, especially since several professional Overwatch players received lighter punishments for racism and sexism. This response spurred furious protests from not only Blizzard's audience, but also from fans of other video games, Blizzard's own employees, the general public and politicians, all accusing the company of engaging in censorship to appease the Chinese government and Blizzard's Chinese investors so their games wouldn't be banned. " Do you guys not have phones?", Blizzard became the center of international controversy following the Blitzchung controversy in which Blizzard suspended the Hearthstone e-sports player Ng "Blitzchung" Wai Chung for a year and stripped him of his winnings after he voiced support for the 2019 Hong Kong protests during an interview. Their reactions weren't helped by Diablo Immortal being announced at the very end of the convention as The Climax, or by the exasperated response by Blizzard employees who had not anticipated such a negative reception i.e. Much of the backlash was because the PC-centric crowd had paid $200 each to attend with expectations of seeing a new mainline Diablo installment, or at least a remaster of Diablo I or II. While there were prior incidents like the botched launch of Diablo III note At launch, the game suffered from Demand Overload, and its always-online DRM meant many gamers couldn't play it at all and negative audience reaction to the announcement of the mobile- exclusive Diablo Immortal at BlizzCon 2018 note The event is rather noteworthy as the first time in BlizzCon history that an announcement was met with vocal negativity. Blizzard Entertainment has seen its once-stellar reputation take a nosedive in the late 2010s and early 2020s following several controversial incidents.

Tera rising game controversy